

pyigm depends on these packages:

  • python versions 2.7, or 3.3 or later
  • numpy version 1.12 or later
  • astropy version 1.3 or later
  • scipy version 0.18 or later
  • matplotlib version 1.4 or later
  • specutils version 0.2 or later
  • linetools version 0.2 or later
  • h5py version 2.5 or later
  • PyQt5 – Now the default in conda

We strongly recommend that you use Anaconda to install them. With Anaconda you can check for the presence and versions of the dependencies with:

conda list "^python$|numpy|astropy$|scipy$|matplotlib|pyyaml|specutils"

If you’re missing any, install them with (for example):

conda install astropy matplotlib

If their versions are too old, update them with (for example):

conda update astropy

Specutils can’t be installed with conda; instead it needs to be installed using pip:

pip install --no-deps specutils

This is also true for linetools. If you aren’t using Anaconda then all of the dependencies can also be installed with pip.

The following packages are required only for MCMC analysis of metallicity PDFs (e.g. Fumagalli+16):

Installing pyigm

If you plan to play around with the code and possibly contribute changes, then follow the instructions in the section below, Installing pyigm from Source. Otherwise simply use:

pip install --no-deps git+

and you’re done!

Installing pyigm from Source

I just want to play with the code

Install the development version like this:

git clone
cd pyigm
python develop

Now you can easily make tweaks to the code, which are immediately applied to your installed version (you’ll have to reload the relevant modules to see those changes in an existing Python session, though).

I want to make a code contribution to pyigm

Fantastic! In that case, follow the Astropy developer guidelines, replacing every instance of astropy in those instructions with pyigm. This will install a ‘fork’ of pyigm that you can use to submit code changes to the main repository.

Running Tests

If you install pyigm from source, then you can run tests to see whether your installation works correctly. From the source directory run:

python test

This takes a couple of minutes to run. If you notice any failures, we’d love you to report them on the pyigm issue tracker.

Building Documentation

Only do this if you’re a developer! If you want build the documentation, you also need to install Sphinx (version 1.3+) and astropy_helpers:

conda install sphinx
pip install astropy-helpers

If you want the generate inheritance diagrams in the docs then you also need to install graphviz (MacOSX, Ubuntu), but this isn’t required. Once you’ve installed the dependencies, change to the /docs directory under the source directory and run:

make html

The documentation should now be in _build/html.