IGMGalaxyField Class



This Class is designed to enable analysis between galaxies and absorbers in a chosen field. In particular, cross-correlation analysis. Although, in many ways this is the starting point for essentially any analysis of galaxies with the IGM.


Instantiation only requires the field coordinates, presumably near the center.:

field = ('PG1407+265',212.349634*u.deg,26.3058650*u.deg)
lfield = igmf.IgmGalaxyField((field[1],field[2]), name=field[0], verbose=True)


Variable Type Description
name str Given name for the field
cosmo astropy.cosmology Given name for the field
igm ?? A means of conveniently storing IGM system info
targets astropy.Table Table of target info
galaxies astropy.Table Table of galaxy info
observing astropy.Table Table of info on observing the galaxies
selection ?? Object to enable calculation of the galaxy selection function


Impact Parameter

Calculate \(\rho\), the projected impact parameter from a given object at a given redshift to the line-of-sight (LOS) coordinate. By defualt, the projected impact parameter is calculated in co-moving coordinates and the LOS is assumed to be the field coordinate.:

rho = lfield.calc_rhoimpact(obj)

Observed Galaxies

Generate a table of the observed galaxies in the field within a given angular radius of the field coord.:

targ, dates, idx = lfield.get_observed(5.*u.arcmin)

Unobserved Galaxies

Generate a table of the unobserved galaxies in the field within a given angular radius of the field coord.:

need_targ = lfield.get_unobserved(5.*u.arcmin)

Associated Galaxies

Generate a table of the galaxies “associated” to a given LOS.:

close_gal, rho = lfield.get_associated_galaxies(0.13, R=300*u.kpc)

Mask Date

Returns a list of the date(s) when a given mask was observed.:

dates = lfield.get_mask_obsdate('PG1407_may_mid2')

Clean Duplicates

Returns a version of a table (e.g. targets, galaxies) without duplicates. The table has to have columns for sky coordinates (e.g. RA, DEC) and the duplication criteria is based on a angular tolerance (usually small; default is tol = 1*u.arcsec). Currently, the duplication conflict is solved by only keeping the first entry but we expect other methods will be available in the future.:

targets = lfield.targets
clean_targets = lfield.clean_duplicates(targets, tol=1*u.arcsec, method='first')