.. highlight:: rest .. _fitlls: *********** XFitLLS GUI *********** .. index:: IGMGuesses Overview ======== XFitLLSGUI is a GUI for the by-hand fit to one or more LLSs in an input spectrum. One can modify both the continuum and LLS properties and write the solution to disk as a JSON file. Running XFitLLSGUI ================== XFitLLSGUI should be called from the terminal using the script `pyigm_fitlls`. Here is the usage:: wolverine> pyigm_fitlls -h usage: pyigm_fitlls [-h] [--out_file OUT_FILE] [--smooth SMOOTH] [--lls_fit_file LLS_FIT_FILE] in_file zqso Parser for FitLLSGUI (v1.0) positional arguments: in_file Spectral file zqso Use Telfer template with zqso optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --out_file OUT_FILE Output LLS Fit file --smooth SMOOTH Smoothing (pixels) --lls_fit_file LLS_FIT_FILE Input LLS Fit file There are 2 required arguments: (1) `in_file` which is the input spectrum file; (2) `zqso` which is an estimate of the quasar (or other source) emission redshift. Optional arguments ++++++++++++++++++ ============================================== =============================================== ============== Argument Description Default ============================================== =============================================== ============== -h, --help Show the help message and exit -o OUT_FILE, --out_file OUT_FILE Output JSON file with model DLA_fit.json --smooth SMOOTH FWHM Gaussian smoothing for fitting (in pixels) 3 --lls_fit_file LLS_FIT_FILE Input .JSON file containing a previous DLA fit ============================================== =============================================== ============== Usage ===== When the LLS gui launches, you should begin by left clicking in the plot window. This will activate plotting and key strokes (see below for the help message). Then press "#" to specify the model spec and to add a continuum. You should then refine the continuum ("C", "1", "2"). From there, navigate to the LLS of interest, add a model ("A" or "F"), refine it and the continuum, etc. The Write button saves the current model to disk as a JSON file. Keystrokes ========== Here is a brief description of the key strokes that control the DLA GUI (also displayed when launching the GUI):: i,o : zoom in/out x limits I,O : zoom in/out x limits (larger re-scale) Y : zoom out y limits y : guess y limits W : Show original zooom t,b : set y top/bottom limit l,r : set left/right x limit C : Set the continuum normalization to the cursor 1,2 : Tilt the continuum A : Add a new LLS at cursor F : Add a new LLS automagically near the cursor (probably) g : Move nearest Lyman line to cursor and reset z N/n : Increase/decrease NHI V/v : Increase/decrease bvalue Z/z : Increase/decrease zabs D : Delete LLS $ : Toggle displaying metal lines 6,7,8,9 : Add forest lines ? : Print these help notes Q : Quit the GUI